My dad is going to love his Christmas gift this year

I think that my dad is really going to love the gift that I got him for Christmas this year.

I think he’s going to be completely surprised when he realizes that I got him a new thermostat system for his house.

He has been complaining about his old thermostat for months now, but he has never gotten around to replacing it so far. So many people are spending so much more time at home now, including my dad. His energy costs have skyrocketed over the past couple of years and I know that having a new smart thermostat will help him stay both comfortable and happy with savings on his energy bills. Shopping for my dad is always a little bit tricky, but I really think that a smart thermostat is going to be the perfect holiday gift idea for him this year. The one that I chose for him is much less expensive than a lot of other smart thermostats out on the market today. But I didn’t just buy it because it was the cheapest. I also chose this one because it’s able to automatically adjust the temperature in the house to suit my dad’s preferences. It can also be set to his preferred temperature if he’s at home, away from home, or even for when he’s asleep. He’s going to be able to use his voice to set the thermostat temperature even if he isn’t at home! I think he’s really going to love that feature. My dad has always liked all kinds of gizmos and gadgets, and he’s a big fan of science fiction and futuristic technology.
ductwork cleaning

I went to the doctor last week but their heating was torn up

I had to go to the doctor last week to get some routine blood work done but the heating system was torn up in the office.

Whenever you are going to the doctor, you really assume that they are going to have a well running heating and cooling system in their office.

I don’t know why that is, exactly. I guess it’s just because you think that since you’re going to see a medical professional, they are going to have really great indoor air quality. Of course, that’s not always the case. I guess doctors and nurses are at the mercy of their heating and cooling technicians just like the rest of us are. Anyway, last week, the temperatures outside were super cold and I ended up getting a cold right before my routine blood work appointment. I decided that I was going to go ahead and go into the doctor anyway and get it all done, and I just assumed that I would be able to stay warm and toasty inside of the lab and the doctor’s office. However, when I got there and pulled into the parking lot, I saw that there was a commercial HVAC truck parked by the side entrance of the building. I should have known that this was not a good sign. When I went inside the building, the whole place was freezing cold. I probably should have left then,since I was so miserable with my cold. But I decided to suffer through it, and the lack of heating in the building was horrible.


Heating service

Working on a farm during the winter can be hard

Working on a farm during the winter can be really hard sometimes when the weather outside is really cold.

I work at a local farm and during the winter we sell Christmas trees to people who like to experience coming out and cutting down their own tree. When you are working outside during the winter, you are really at the mercy of the weather and the temperature outside. Of course, you can always dress for the weather, but sometimes you just can’t beat it. Last year, the winter weather was really terrible. We had record breaking cold temperatures, and the place that I work for was having a really hard time keeping employees. I think that was because of their terrible lack of heating systems at the farm. The only place where you could goto start heating up was inside the little office of the main barn. When it’s freezing cold outside, you want to be able to get warmed up fairly often. That’s why this year, the management at the Christmas tree farm decided that they were going to put kerosene space heaters and propane heaters here and there all throughout the property. They also built little heating shacks where employees could go in to get warm here and there throughout the day. Let me tell you, it sounds silly, but it has made all the difference for me and my attitude on the job. This year has been so much better than last year. I think we owe it all to the heating systems that we are able to use this year.


Heating device

Living in the basement

When I think back on 2021 I am never going to forget all of these strange places that I wound up.

I would say it was my least traditional year of living. I was continually moving from place to place, trying to figure out where I could stay next. At some points I even wound up in some somewhat dangerous or seedy situations.I know for a fact that I will never forget the many uncomfortable scenarios I found myself in. Especially as they related to Modern Heating, Cooling, and Air Quality Control Solutions… Or lack thereof. For instance, when I was living in a basement 24/7 I found myself dreaming about indoor air temperature control. I did not have a Modern Heating or cooling device at my disposal. Instead, I lived in the inherently cold air contained in the subterranean space. I was cold to my bones every moment of every day, wishing that I had Modern Heating devices to keep myself more comfortable. Eventually I got a small space heater which provided some indoor heat, but the cold chill of the basement never left my core. Rarely did I find myself unencumbered by goosebumps and sniffles during that chilly venture underground. If that sounds extreme, though… you should have seen me when I was living in my SUV. Maybe I had indoor heating and cooling at that point, but I would say that the central HVAC system didn’t make up for the lack of all other amenities or the energy inefficiency of the gas-powered HVAC system. What a year it’s been, especially on the temperature control front.
heated floors

When you have 10 siblings

I had meant that I didn’t have the most normal upbringing.

Most people these days has a couple of kids and spend all of their time shaping them into well adopted adults.

When I was growing up, my parents decided to have a whole litter of children instead. I come from a family of 10 children, and I happen to be at the bottom of the stack. Unfortunately, this means that there wasn’t enough time, energy, or finances to go around. One of the major outcomes of this crowded family was creating a strange preoccupation with indoor air quality and temperature control. This is because my parents never had enough money to take care of our heating, cooling, and air quality control system. We were not able to utilize our Central indoor air handling equipment very often in my house. Because everything was so financially strained, we never called the heating or cooling company to take care of our indoor temperature control equipment. Because there were so many opinions about the indoor air temperature, it was also a very uncomfortable living situation. These days as an adult I am absolutely obsessed with my smart thermostat and energy-efficient air temperature control units. I am always calling the local HVAC repair shop to install the most up-to-date heating, cooling, and ventilation system. I also prefer to keep my heating and cooling devices on individual temperature control plans. I find that it’s very necessary to have unique indoor temperature settings for each room. This is especially true since I continued the family tradition of having too many children. At least my 10 kids each have their own thermostat.


air conditioner

Hiring a fencing company to remove old fence

I finally researched and found a local fencing company.

My husband and I were really excited to purchase a house with an abundance of property. At one time, the home was a working farm with cows, sheep and horses. They grew corn and hay. Unfortunately, the remaining barns and fences had been allowed to fall to ruin. They presented a danger as well as an eyesore. We originally planned to handle the removal ourselves. However, when we looked more closely at the barns, we saw that the roofs were collapsing, the floors rotted and the whole structure was unstable. We no longer felt we had the expertise or tools to safely complete the job. We hired a contractor who was also willing to haul away the debris. The contractor offered to handle the fence removal as well. Once again, we believed we could save money by making it a DIY project. We spent over a week working on getting rid of that fence. My husband and I got scratched by thorns, stung by bees, sunburned and came down with poison ivy. It was a slow, frustrating and nearly impossible process. The wire fencing was completely entangled in the vegetation and embedded deep into the ground. I finally researched and found a local fencing company. I called for an estimate and was amazed by the reasonable price. At that point, I would have paid just about anything to have someone else pull out the endless amount of fence. A crew of guys arrived with specialized tools and had all of the fence removed within a single day.


Fence Removal

A timely meal delivery saved my day.

I was right in the middle of prepping for our annual Christmas gathering.

It seemed that at the very instant when I was getting ready to put everything into the oven as well as start baking, the oven died, even though my stove was barely 3 years old as well as no longer working.

When my fiance Pat got apartment from work, I told him about our oven dying as well as she said she would look at it, even though I just shook my head, not only did I know that our oven was not going to work again, even though I had wonderful reason to know that the oven was not going to work again. Within minutes of turning on the oven as well as getting it all heated up, I had flames pouring out around the door. Pat looked at myself and others oddly as well as asked if I had anything else that I should do for the gathering that didn’t involve using the oven. I kind of chuckled, even though I was very upset, as well as told him that they have local meal delivery services in our area. I had already looked at all of the local pizzerias, as well as found out which ones provided meal delivery in our area. I was able to select from strange local pizzerias. I chose to have hors d’oeuvres from one place. I ordered baked goods for meal delivery from another place. I had baked ham as well as two strange dips delivered from a tenth pizzeria. I then went online to a local grocery store as well as picked vegetables as well as other items that I needed to finish my gathering planning for the afternoon. Without local meal delivery, the gathering would have been totally ruined. I have never been more grateful to know that local meal deliveries were available to us than I was that Tuesday.
local food delivery

Premade meal delivery services are my new #1 way to cook.

I was talking to my sibling Pat Last year, who hates cooking.

I had to laugh when she told myself and others that if she could ever find a good meal delivery service in her area, she would blissfully stop grocery shopping as well as do nothing except order all her food online.I reminded Pat about Thanksgiving dinner as well as how I had used a meal delivery service for Thanksgiving; Pat kind of looked at myself and others oddly, as well as asked how I found out about the meal delivery service.For some odd reason, I had kept the ad in my wallet as well as pulled it out as well as showed it to her.

She couldn’t wait until she got to her apartment so that she could look at the paper. After carefully perusing the advertisement for prepared meal delivery services, Pat called myself and others up. I was laughing by the time she hung up the cellphone. Pat couldn’t wait to go online as well as look through the ad that they had on their website. There were so many meals to option as well as choose from that Pat was as giddy as a child. Pat wanted to try one of every meal that the meal delivery service provided; When Pat started telling myself and others about the meatloaf that she could make it back to her apartment that would turn out perfect, she was laughing. I had never heard my sibling so stoked about cooking in all my life, but prepared meal delivery services have changed her life as well as mine too. I no longer have to rest on the cellphone as well as listen to her complaining about all the work and needing to go shopping, buying food as well as then preparing it.


prepared meals

Our daughter was schooling me on HVAC maintenance and air quality

I was actually surprised when our daughter asked when we were going to clean the ductwork system.

This was strange because she was young and I wondered how she even knew about ductwork.

She told me that her best friend’s daddy is an HVAC professional and she talks about HVAC maintenance and repairs all the time. It suddenly made sense. Also, she was starting to school me on the importance of regular HVAC maintenance, including ductwork cleaning. She pointed at the HVAC vents and started talking about how nasty they were will all that built up dust and debris. She said we could be breathing in all kinds of harmful contaminants and pathogens. Then she carried on to the UV air purifiers and asked why we didn’t have something like that. It was all too much to take in to be honest, and I had to ask my daughter to give me a break after awhile. When I was thinking about everything she said, I realized she was right. I had to take more steps to ensure better air quality in the home and it would be smart to invest in a UV air purification system. The look on her face when the HVAC professionals finished the HVAC upgrades was priceless. She was so happy! She said that she couldn’t wait to tell her friend how we not only got our ductwork cleaned recently, but we had a UV air purification system installed. I wouldn’t have even thought to get a UV air purifier if she didn’t start talking about it to be honest. I really must say, that girl cares about all the right things.



Cooling technology

Our son forgot to change the batteries in the thermostat

It was a little while ago when I asked my son to change the batteries in the thermostat.

I make sure to tell him to do this once per year as a regular chore.

When the HVAC system quit working recently, I wondered what in the world could be the problem. I mean, I always went for regular HVAC system maintenance and it seemed like everything was just fine. When I checked the thermostat, the screen was completely blank. Then I realized that it had to be the batteries that were dead. I asked my son again if he changed the batteries to the thermostat and he thought about it. His hesitation made me sure he didn’t. He ended up telling me he was sorry because he forgot to do that. Sometimes I don’t know what’s going on in that kid’s head, but he can’t be messing up with things, especially HVAC components. WIthout the thermostat working, we would be miserable in the house. Fortunately, it was easy enough to swap out the batteries and get the HVAC system working again. I wasn’t really mad at my son for forgetting to change the batteries for the thermostat, I just wanted him to be more responsible. I mean, that’s an easy HVAC chore to be honest. In the future, I want him to start changing the air filter. That’s easy as well, but there are greater consequences if you forget to do it! Your whole HVAC system could overheat and potentially catch fire in a worst case scenario. I don’t ever want to have to worry about troubles like that.

Air conditioning worker