My wife seems to get annoyed when I binge watch shows in the bedroom

I think my wife is annoyed with me because I am constantly binge-watching shows on Netflix these days. I mean, I can’t help it, they have all these amazing shows coming out including ones that are foreign but still extremely interesting. To make matters worse, I am spoiled by the smart HVAC system. We have a ductless mini split with numerous zones. We have a zone in our bedroom as well and it’s so easy to adjust the temperature control settings without even getting up. I love having the cool A/C in the bedroom during the summer and perfect heating in the winter. Sometimes I will turn on the fan when going to sleep at night too. Of course with the smart HVAC system, I have it programmed to shut off soon after I fall asleep, so we save a lot on our energy bills. I mean, just having made the switch to a ductless mini split has given us enough savings, but the smart temperature control program also helps tremendously. One of these days, we plan on getting solar panels on the roof. Then we will pay much less on the energy bills. Who knows, maybe the electric company will end up paying us for putting energy onto the grid! I’ll continue to watch my shows though. I mean my wife watches her shows too and I think that’s why she’s mainly annoyed. She’d rather I go to the other room to watch my shows, but the big tv is in the bedroom! Oh well, as long as I have the perfect temperature control settings, I should be fine.


hvac professional

I think that my brother is innocent and I won’t give up on him

It was unbearable to watch my brother’s murder trial.

I mean honestly, that man couldn’t hurt a fly let alone his wife.

They always got along so well and you could tell they were head-over-heels in love. Next thing I know, she was dead and my brother was telling everybody about the accident. He thought that she fell down the stairs, like maybe she collapsed or something but the fall killed her. He was accused of murder and went on trial. Well, the trial was terrible because of the overhated courtroom. I don’t know if the heating system was on the fritz or what, but it was cranked way too high! I could see the pain on the jurors’ faces and it seemed they had trouble even concentrating on the trial, the witness testimony, and forensic analysis. It seemed to me that the jurors just wanted to end their misery and agree to say my brother was guilty even though it was clear that he was innocent! We have tried to go for an appeal, but it seems like it will never happen and my brother is stuck in prison for life. I mean, I know it seems cheap to blame it on the faulty HVAC system, but try spending time in a courtroom with too much overheating from the gas furnace and try to focus on something important. It was even difficult for me just being there in the courtroom and I felt so bad for my brother. I’m not giving up on him though until they make this right, he deserves to be a free man!


Zoned HVAC

Decided to go for a radiant heating and cooling system

I was surprised when our HVAC professional let us know they install radiant heating and cooling systems.

This was after we were speaking about getting radiant heated floors.

I never actually thought that you could get cooling with a similar style system, but here we were talking about it. The HVAC professional was explaining that it was ideal to set up the radiant cooling in the ceiling and have them sealed there for the best effect. Then chilled water is pumped through the pipes and you get the cooling effect coming down from the ceiling. With the radiant heated floors, you have the opposite as heat will rise from the floor and cooling will sink from the ceiling. Of course, this would be expensive to invest in radiant heating and cooling, but the thought of having such an advanced heating and cooling system seemed too enjoyable. So I went for the installation and it took approximately a week. They actually did excellent work though and everything looked as good as new in the house. When we used the radiant cooling for the first time, we couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt in the house. It doesn’t feel like regular air conditioning, just like a cooling energy is flowing down from everywhere in your house, it’s so amazing! But our radiant heated floors are just as wonderful, way better than our central heating system was that’s for certain! These days because of our advanced heating and cooling system, everybody wants to come over to our place and stay awhile. Hey, we have plenty of guest bedrooms, so we don’t mind!


air conditioning filter

My buddy finally got me to invest in a programmable thermostat

It’s funny, the reason why I decided to get a programmable thermostat was so that my buddy would quit talking about it. He was telling me non-stop about the benefits of a programmable thermostat and how much money I could save. He said that my dinosaur dial thermostat had to go. Even though I liked that dial thermostat, he would trash talk it whenever he had the chance. He was just so determined for me to get modern heat and A/C products. When I finally had a programmable thermostat installed, I asked him if he was happy. He said he sure was and he couldn’t wait to help me program the schedule. It wasn’t that difficult to program to be honest and before I knew it, I was saving a lot of money on my energy bills. I used to enjoy having the A/C system turned on all night, but I learned that I could have it on for only a few hours while I got to sleep and then have it turn off to save energy. The body doesn’t really need any cooling from the HVAC after you’re asleep because the body has good temperature control within when you are sleeping. Month after month, my energy bills were lower and it’s really all thanks to that programmable thermostat. Well, more recently, my buddy bought himself a smart thermostat and now I’m hearing about how that’s the best thermostat to have these days. I just bought a new thermostat, I’m not going to buy another one until my thermostat dies!

Air conditioning corporation

I thought my son loved the fruit, but apparently not

I have a son who has autism.

When I tried him on apples and bananas, he said that he liked them.

It seemed that he really did because he would throw the banana peels in the trash and the apples seemed to be eaten around the apple core. Also, whenever I would bring fruit from the store, he seemed excited about eating it. I felt pretty good about it for awhile until my son started experiencing breathing complications. I wondered for a minute if he was allergic to the fruit I was giving him, but I thought I would have seen some sort of allergic reaction sooner if that were the case. Well, upon inspecting his room, I smelled something terrible coming from the HVAC vent. I went to open the vent and it was filled with rotten apple pieces and bananas! Oh, it was so awful and nasty! I had to try to clean all that crap out of there. And I’ll tell you, it’s not easy to discipline a child with autism without throwing them into a fit. I had to break it down very carefully to my son that he can’t throw food into the ductwork system. It all molded up and that mold was spreading through the ductwork, and I know that’s why he was having breathing complications. Even I was having a little trouble breathing after awhile, but I didn’t know why until I found out about the mold. I had to have the professionals come out for ductwork cleaning. They did a great job and now my son feels a lot better in his room now, but he sure as heck won’t be eating inside there anymore!


geo heat pump

I always felt sick at home for a long while

There was a long period of time when I thought I was sick. I kept coughing, sneezing, and just feeling miserable. I would try to sleep it off but it never seemed to go away. That was until I stepped outside for various reasons. I began to realize that the fresh air was doing me good. I even felt better when I was at work than when I was at home. I went to a doctor about my issues once and the doctor asked me about my HVAC equipment. He asked if I was changing my air filters and if I used an air purifier at all. I never used air purifiers and I admittedly didn’t change the air filters very often. I would wait until they actually looked dirty to me. I didn’t realize until later that it’s not always easy to see that an air filter is clogged because of all those microscopic contaminants. They do obstruct the flow of air with your HVAC system though and they will cause the HVAC system to struggle. My HVAC indeed was struggling, but it never died on me. I should have noticed that after I changed the air filter, the HVAC would run more smoothly and the air quality would improve to some degree. Well, I ended up having my ductwork cleaned, a new air purification system installed, and I used better air filters. I also changed them on time as per the instructions. I was suddenly feeling way better and I no longer felt sick inside my home any longer. I wish I would have kept on top of air filter changes and ductwork cleaning before. Also, the air purification system has worked like a dream and I couldn’t imagine not using it anymore.

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Glad I work from home these days with comfy temperature control settings

There was a time when I worked for a debt management company.

I actually didn’t feel bad working for a company like this because we were legitimately helping people get out of debt and live better lives.

I would always tell people that when they get out of debt, they can have better credit scores and get nice things like a new HVAC system for their new house! Also they could get a nice car with excellent heating and cooling. I have always been one who wished to have enjoyable temperature control settings, so it’s something I enjoyed talking about. Especially getting something like radiant heated floors with your new house, now that’s a great heating system to have! Anyway, it was sort of a lousy job not because of the work we did, but because of the conditions in the office. I think a big part of why I would tell clients to look forward to things like a new HVAC is because I wished deep down the office would invest in a new HVAC. The temperature control settings in the office were miserable because the HVAC was not energy efficient. I believe they didn’t set the temperature control settings to a comfortable level because they wanted to save money. We helped people all the time, but the people I was helping didn’t realize I was suffering with miserable temperature control at the same time, though I have had my days when people could tell I wasn’t feeling too well. I’m happy that I actually work from home these days with my own temperature control settings.


furnace filter for sale

I had to see what radiant heated floors were like for myself

My wife was so excited when she went to a party with his friends.

She said the house had radiant heated floors and it was the most amazing heating system she had ever felt.

I asked if she was good friends with the owner of the house and she said she was. She was telling me that we should consider going for radiant heated floors. I thought about it and realized that our oil furnace was basically on its last legs. The repair bills for working on the oil furnace were only becoming more expensive and oil was also very costly. I told my wife if I were to go for radiant heated floors, I’d have to know exactly what they were like myself. I couldn’t just blindly go for radiant heated floors because what if I didn’t like them at all. My wife laughed and said that would be impossible for me not to like them. Still, I asked her to take me to the house that had radiant heated floors. She called her friend up and he said we could come over anytime. So we went over that evening and hung out for awhile. I was very impressed with this home. There was a magnificent fireplace and I could see it was fantastic for hosting parties. Also, the radiant heated floors were working and I couldn’t believe the enjoyable heating sensation streaming from the floors. The floors were hardwood and they were very shiny and nice. I was also surprised because there were high ceilings, but the heat didn’t rush up like our central heating system did. I ended up agreeing with my wife that we should go for radiant heated floors.

new hvac equipment

My wife and I agreed to quit throwing away our money on rent

We made a lot of money from the sale of our home and we didn’t even have to upgrade the HVAC system because it was still in excellent condition.

My wife said a long time ago that we needed to quit throwing away our money on rent and buy a home. I agreed with her, I always felt like it was such a waste renting different households. The rent always seemed to be too much and the HVAC system was never so great. I didn’t want to buy a new HVAC for a home that wasn’t mine, and we just had to deal with what we could get in our area. Eventually though, we had good enough credit to seriously start looking at houses to buy. We worked with a real estate agent who was awesome and she helped us find just the home we wanted. It was a smaller home, only 1 bathroom 3 bedrooms, but it was nice enough for us. It certainly was way nicer than any home we had lived in prior. We lived in this home over the years and had two children. When we thought about having more children, we realized we needed a bigger house for that. Over the years we had been living in the house, the value of our home skyrocketed. We made a lot of money from the sale of our home and we didn’t even have to upgrade the HVAC system because it was still in excellent condition. I mean, we did take care of the regular HVAC maintenance all the time. So we were able to buy an amazing home in the country with 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Not only do all the kids get a bedroom, but there are plenty of guestrooms! Also the house came with a ductless mini split with a lot of zones. It’s nice having customized temperature control settings, and this HVAC is super energy efficient!

Air conditioning worker

The HVAC professional seemed to predict the future

I’ve never believed that anybody could predict the future, but it seemed like my HVAC professional could.

I’ll never forget the time he told me that I should really upgrade my HVAC system because it was about to die soon.

I knew that the HVAC system was only 11 years old and I thought there was no way it would die so soon. I had regular HVAC maintenance done over the years and took great care of the HVAC. He said he also had been working in the HVAC industry for over a decade and he knew the signs of a failing HVAC system. I didn’t want to listen to him and I honestly didn’t want to spend all my savings for no reason. I wanted to get at least 15 years out of the HVAC system before I had to replace everything. Well, it was that very summer after the tune-of of the cooling system when it all failed. We weren’t even experiencing a heatwave or anything, it was only a little warm in the house when we turned on the A/C system. It ran for probably 4 hours before it gave out on us. We called an HVAC professional to fix the A/C, but the guy said it couldn’t be fixed, it was just done. Well, I probably should have listened to the HVAC professional when he warned me, but of course I didn’t listen. So I had to buy a new HVAC, but I decided to go for a ductless one because I learned they are highly energy efficient and you can have HVAC zone control as well.
