Our son forgot to change the batteries in the thermostat

It was a little while ago when I asked my son to change the batteries in the thermostat.

I make sure to tell him to do this once per year as a regular chore.

When the HVAC system quit working recently, I wondered what in the world could be the problem. I mean, I always went for regular HVAC system maintenance and it seemed like everything was just fine. When I checked the thermostat, the screen was completely blank. Then I realized that it had to be the batteries that were dead. I asked my son again if he changed the batteries to the thermostat and he thought about it. His hesitation made me sure he didn’t. He ended up telling me he was sorry because he forgot to do that. Sometimes I don’t know what’s going on in that kid’s head, but he can’t be messing up with things, especially HVAC components. WIthout the thermostat working, we would be miserable in the house. Fortunately, it was easy enough to swap out the batteries and get the HVAC system working again. I wasn’t really mad at my son for forgetting to change the batteries for the thermostat, I just wanted him to be more responsible. I mean, that’s an easy HVAC chore to be honest. In the future, I want him to start changing the air filter. That’s easy as well, but there are greater consequences if you forget to do it! Your whole HVAC system could overheat and potentially catch fire in a worst case scenario. I don’t ever want to have to worry about troubles like that.

Air conditioning worker