Buying an elliptical

My location makes it just about impossible to maintain a gym membership.

I’d need to drive for approximately 45 minutes to reach the nearest facility. I don’t have that kind of time. By necessity, I’ve set up a home gym. I started with very little equipment. Initially, I had a yoga mat and a set of hand weights. I was amazed by the cost of exercise gear. Since I refuse to buy poor quality products, it has taken me a while to build my collection. I have slowly added jump ropes, medicine balls, weighted poles, kettlebells, an incline bench and a mini trampoline. Each of these items helped to improve my workouts and keep me motivated. I don’t have unlimited funds or space in my home gym, so I’ve needed to be particular about what I buy. I recently saved up to invest into a larger piece of equipment. Before spending the money, I devoted a lot of time to research. I looked into all different types, makes and models of fitness machines. I thought I might want a treadmill but decided against anything that created a harsh impact on my joints. I considered a stationary bike but realized I’d rather ride my actual bicycle outside. I ultimately chose an elliptical. The elliptical is fairly compact and is one of the few options that works both hands and legs. I can easily increase intensity, and because the feet don’t lift off the pedals, there is no jarring impact. The quiet operation allows me to use the elliptical without disturbing the rest of the house.



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