Got My New Electric Heating System and Ready for Winter

Summer is winding down and the tourists will all be leaving in a few weeks.

Usually by the beginning of September most people leave town and go back to their normal working lives again.

It’s nice because summer can be very crowded here and the change of pace is refreshing and healing for the soul. I like having people here, but after many months of it I get quite burned out and I feel like I need some time alone to rest. A lot of the local businesses shut down here in the winter because it is so slow, so this town becomes a ghost town more or less when winter comes. I work at the HVAC company during the winter mainly answering phone calls for service requests or helping people with questions about their smart thermostats or HVAC systems. I only work about 20 hours a week during the winter at the store and spend the rest of my week chilling on the beach or teaching yoga to a few private clients. I make just enough money to pay my bills so I need to keep my HVAC system use to a minimum when possible to save on electric bills. I may get a flatmate this winter and see how it goes because I could cut my living expenses down to under $1000 a month if I did so and alleviate some of the stress of trying to pay my bills each month. I have a new central heat and air conditioner and a nice big flat, so it should be easy to find a flatmate.


heating technician