The ultimate solution

I just had my basement converted into a nice sized game room for my kids.

It is really large as well as nicely done.

The only complication is that there is no central heating or down there, however our central heating as well as air conditioner runs through our beach house however not the basement. There is just no ductwork down there, rather than do all this construction to have the ductwork laid to add the central heating as well as air conditioner, there was another easyr as well as more cheaper solution. That was to buy a ductless mini cut air conditioner, call the local heat as well as supplier, then have them send out a certified heating as well as cooling specialist to convert the ductless mini cut air conditioner into a fully working ductless mini cut heating as well as cooling unit. This may sound love it would all be more fancy than having additional ductwork laid, however in reality it is not. I compared prices with the heating as well as supplier as well as although this whole mini project for the ductless mini cut air conditioner will cost a few thoUSnd dollars all together, it is still cheaper than having construction done on modern ductwork. Not to mention, it is also a lot less messy. Having ductwork laid would completely ruin the nice task that was done on the basement to make it a finished game room. So the ductless mini cut was the ultimate solution for the heating as well as needed down there. It will be all good.

Radiant floor heating