Things didn't go well from that point

When I was getting away from my car one morning plus going into my own house, I decided to look across the road. There was a vehicle for a heating and AC specialist in the backyard of my neighbor. He was seemingly searching the grass for something and I decided to help her out. I did not believe that my neighbor was actually home at the time because she was supposed to be gone all weekend. I walked directly to the heating and AC technician + asked if there was a problem that she needed help to fix. She stood there abruptly as if she would fall. She ‘d been at that home earlier in the week and lost her house keys somewhere outside in the yard. She was looking for the keys to this van and came back to the site of the problem to see if she could help out. My question was how the Repair Van seem to be driven away without having any Keys. That’s when her face actually turned bright and I found out that she had to contact a locksmith to help out with the vehicle. The person’s face was beet red and she looked very embarrassed. While the two of us were standing there, her eyes consistently search around the area in the grass. For the next 10 or 15 minutes, both of us began looking all over for the keys. I honestly didn’t think I would see them at all, but then I happened to see an envelope on the front door. My neighbor found the keys and left them for someone to find.


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