Get the best price for your home with an HVAC upgrade

The realtor wasn’t inside our house five minutes before she started pointing out the stuff that was wrong with our home.

  • This wasn’t easy for me to take as this was somewhere that was dear to me.

My husband was right that we needed to sell the place since the kids were grown. However, listening to the litany of perceived slights was more than I could take. When she told us the HVAC equipment was basically trash and had to be replaced, I burst out crying. I have no idea why it was the HVAC unit that did this as I really don’t have a strong connection to our heating and cooling equipment. More likely, it was just the way this was happening as though this wasn’t the home that we’ve loved for 25 years. I ended up having to walk away. The realtor left shortly thereafter without the listing. My husband was so sweet to me and we just walked around our house pointing out all the things we loved about the house. He also found another realtor. This realtor was different. While there were things that had to be improved, he was kind and respectful in our home. When it came to upgrading the heating and cooling equipment, he showed us facts and figures about how this effects the value of a house. This made it much easier to get the latest in residential HVAC which ended up helping us get an amazing price on our home. We also have the best quality heating and air in our new place so an HVAC upgrade really is relevant and important to selling a house.


Hybrid HVAC system