Don’t take a chance with the HVAC warranty

How often do any of us read the warranties on the stuff we own? For me, it’s rarely.

And that habit ended up costing me dearly when it came my HVAC equipment.

I’ve just never been one to look into warranty terms. I see the paperwork when I unpack stuff but I rarely even save it. I have now learned the hard way that this sort behavior has to change. It began when I came home last August to a house that was sticky and hot inside. This wasn’t supposed to be that way given we had good residential HVAC. I noted that the HVAC equipment was running but not producing the HVAC cooling that it should have been. I checked all the thermostat settings and they were where they were supposed to be. That’s when I should have called the HVAC company. Had I read the warranty information on the HVAC equipment we owned, I would definitely have called the HVAC company. Sadly, we know how I deal with warranty information. Instead of calling the HVAC company, I decided to tackle the problem. After looking online for 15 minutes, I felt I was capable of diagnosing the HVAC equipment problem. Isn’t it ridiculous that I though I knew what I was doing after looking online for a few minutes? Anyway, by attempting to repair the HVAC system myself I did two things. The first was that I made a small HVAC problem a big one. This was solved by and HVAC professional but at quite a cost. The second thing I did was void the warranty on our HVAC unit by attempting to fix it on my own. Read the warranty information.

Quality air conditioner