Off to the Hospital for my First Vaccine Shot

Today I am going to the hospital to get my first vaccine shot.

  • I’m not really excited about this but I have to travel soon and it will save me a lot of money and hassle in the airports.

I wonder when this whole Coronavirus thing is going to be in the past, seems like it is taking a long time to fizzle out. I know a few friends who got sick from it so maybe this vaccine will be good for me. I need to go there in an hour so if you don’t hear from me, then guess what. The local furnace business down the street is having a sale on heaters and a/c units so I may stop by there on the way back from the hospital. It’s Monday and quite quiet out there so maybe the stores won’t be so crowded today with shoppers, these are the best days to shop. I think our heat pump is not working so well and the store has a geo heat pump that I have been looking to buy and maybe today is the day. The weather is getting colder and we will need to run the heat soon, so I better get this done as soon as possible. We have a hybrid heating system that was quite expensive and I hope we don’t need to replace the whole thing, maybe just the heat pump needs replacing. I am pretty good at doing things myself, but when it comes to heating and a/c I think I better let the pros do it this time.


Electric heat pump