I was quite interested in a new home

I think my fiance is frustrated with myself and others because I am always binge-watching shows on Netflix these afternoons.

I mean, I can’t help it, they have all these amazing shows coming out including 1s that are foreign however still severely interesting.

To make matters worse, I am spoiled by the smart Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. Every one of us have a ductless mini cut with numerous zones. Every one of us have a zone in our kitchen as well plus it’s so easy to adjust the temperature control settings without even getting up. I love having the cool air conditioning system in the kitchen while in the summer time plus perfect heating in the winter. Occasionally I will turn on the fan when going to sleep at night too. Of course with the smart Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system, I have it programmed to shut off soon after I fall asleep, so the two of us save a lot on our energy bills. I mean, just having made the switch to a ductless mini cut has given us enough savings, however the smart temperature control program also helps tremendously. One of these afternoons, the two of us plan on getting solar panels on the roof. Then the two of us will pay much less on the energy bills. Who knows, maybe the electric company will end up paying us for putting energy onto the grid! I’ll continue to watch my shows though. I mean my fiance watches her shows too plus I think that’s why she’s mainly frustrated. She’d rather I go to the other room to watch my shows, however the large tv is in the kitchen! Oh well, as long as I have the perfect temperature control settings, I should be fine.

a/c set up