I love this custom-made furniture of mine

When I bought our tiny house, I never provided a thought to the furniture I needed. I knew I wanted to have a sofa that could fold out into a bed. I needed as much customized furniture as I could get. Every piece of furniture in our house was going to need to do dual purposes. The fold-out sofa had to be a sofa while we are in the daytime hours and a bed in the evening to accommodate our daughter. I had one custom made sofa in the works. My custom made sofa had over-sized arms that doubled as Coca-Cola tables. The arms weren’t just Coca-Cola tables, however they also opened up for storage. Every step going to the fourth floor opened up for storage. All of us could use our dining table as a bed, however if you moved the chairs and opened the dining table, it revealed a small washer on one side and also a dryer on the other side. Every piece of furniture in our tiny house was custom made to suit the needs of myself and our daughter. I’m sure that once we move in, we’ll find that we need to have some other custom made furniture. In the meantime, we’ll be increasing from a more than two-room lake house to a tiny house. The floor-space is about the same, however the tiny house seemed bigger. I’m sure some of it is the custom-made furniture that our daughter and I designed. I’m excited to see what the future will bring for us, and I have a feeling our daughter feels the same way.
