The heat pump was quite luxurious

Monica was not going to have a beautiful Winter time as she’d expected, however one day after work, she walked into a freezing house, then she went to check what the issue was and noticed her heat pump had stopped working.

The previous year, she had a conversation with her mom.

Since she was an expert in the HVAC industry, she commanded Monica to replace the aging heat pump before next winter; Monica had every intention to do so however thought twice when she saw the price of a current unit. She put it off and said she could push the aging machine for a single more year… During that time, she’d save up enough extra money to comfortably purchase the current heating system. That was the plan, and so far, she was doing well in saving for a current heat pump the next year. Her goal was to buy it and have it installed before the next winter. However, the minute Monica walked into the freezing house. She knew she was out of time. The only option was to take out a small loan and add to her savings to purchase the current heat pump. That night she had to use a space furnace to stay warm. The following day, she called her Dad and explained the heating machine had failed. She wanted her Dad to help her get the best deal for a heat pump and come to install it in her home. They both went to the local HVAC vendor to check out the different brands at hand, then after some evaluation and discussions, they got the right heat pump, paid for it, and went back to Monica’s current home to begin the upgrade process.


Quality heating