I thought we could save some money with a washable filter

When I went with my girl to the store the other day, we were honestly just trying to find some cleaning products.

  • When we went past the air filters, I was saying that we could use some because we were down to one last air filter.

When I was looking at the different air filters, I saw that the washable filters were on sale. I asked my girl if she knew anything about washable filters or how to clean them. She read the directions on the back and said it seemed easy enough. I also appreciated that these washable filters had a reasonable MERV rating of 12 and that they would last for at least a year guaranteed. Considering how cheap the washable filters were while they were on sale, I told my girl that we would save a lot of money by using such an air filter. She laughed and said if I was going to get a washable filter, I better be the one to take care of cleaning the thing. I thought it would be no issue, but I realized that it wasn’t as easy as I thought to clean the thing every month. On the other hand, my girl was pretty good at cleaning the air filter or pretty much anything for that matter. She has this gift when it comes to making things exceptionally clean. She’s a great cook as well and I think I may just ask her to marry me one day. She ended up cleaning the washable filter more than I did and she always told me that she thought I was going to take care of it. At least we’re saving big money by keeping that filter clean.
air conditioning corporation