Installing an air purifier at the pediatric wing of the city hospital

As HVAC professionals we advised the hospital management of the importance of maintaining the units in order to get the most out of the units.

Newborns and also infants need to be in a sterile environment. There are units that are capable of sterilizing the air where the babies are. The hospital management contacted the company to request that we install an air purification system in the pediatric wing. The HVAC provider delivered an air purifier and the HVAC tech got to work with the HVAC installation. This was a new wing and before it started accepting children, the management wanted to ensure that the environment was conducive enough for the children. The wing where the pediatric ward was had an HVAC zone control unit that handled the temperature control within the rooms. The installation took a while since the ward is quite a huge place. After the fitting process, we provided the hospital management with the homeowner solutions. This is basically a guideline on how to care for the air quality systems to increase the air quality within the ward. High-quality air is great and beneficial to the health and growth of newborns. Air duct cleaning helps the unit function optimally. When the HVAC ducts are clean then the airflow is seamless and duct cleaning will help unclog the vents. As HVAC professionals we advised the hospital management of the importance of maintaining the units in order to get the most out of the units. The ward opened up and the machines seemed to be functioning optimally as we had expected. The new units at the pediatric ward would really help promote the health of not only the children at the ward but also the staff. Because the children’s immunity is very low, the air they are breathing should be clean and free from pollutants.
zoned hvac