Dad noticed signs the HVAC system needed replacing before winter

We lived up north, where winter was a whole other issue.

While some people experienced good amounts of snow, we braced ourselves for snowstorms and blizzards.

Still, it was the best place to live and where I was born. Our parents worked for a fishing company, and we never knew anywhere else to call home. About two years ago, dad got concerned about the aging AC system. We had an excellent model which had kept our home warm for nearly a decade. But, there were signs the heating unit wasn’t going to keep functioning effectively. So, dad took it upon himself to have the aging aircon unit replaced with a better version. Dad liked testing the air conditioner in our home during the last month of fall. He noticed there was a limited amount of warm air blowing into the house. This was not good because he had called the AC technician in spring to clean out the air vents. Apart from that, the old AC system was leaking fluids. The HVAC mechanic who’d come to our home had confirmed it was leaking refrigerant. Even after mending one section of the leaking pipe, he’d told my dad there was too much wear and tear. Paying to repair the whole AC unit would cost much more. Therefore, the better option was to purchase a quality HVAC suitable for our 4 bedroom home. Also, the AC specialist had noted that the previous aircon unit was the cause of the rising energy bill. Dad had noticed it cost much more to cool the house in summer. This would only get worse once he switched to heat mode on the air conditioning system. These were great reasons, and dad knew it was time to buy a new heating unit for our home. The old unit had served us well.

heating tune up