I used to appreciate it when the gas truck paid us a visit

I remember my childhood beach house with some fond memories plus some not-so-fond memories. But then, nobody has a perfect childhood. One of my earliest fond memories is of our gas oil furnace. More recognizably, it is of the truck that would come every Winter plus refill the gas for the oil furnace. I believe that the oil furnace wasn’t the only thing all of us used the gas for. Mom would use it for the stove plus the hot water furnace also used the gas. But what I do remember is that a tank of gas would last us all Spring, summer, plus fall, but come winter, it would need to be refilled at least twice. I can recall laying on the porch, all garbed in my Winter gear, waiting for the truck to come. I would get so gleeful when I heard it turning around the bend. I could hear the truck before I could see it. Then the workers would refill our gas plus leave. It was good entertainment for a 5 year old. Sometimes I wish my own kids had a straight-forwardr life appreciate that. I can’t imagine any of them getting gleeful about a gas truck coming to fill the gas so that their oil furnace would keep running. The people I was with and I have an electric oil furnace anyway. Still, kids today have a lot more distractions than I had growing up. Back then, things were just straight-forwardr. I truthfully can’t say that I miss having to ration the gas though. Being able to have as much heat as all of us need is entirely nice. So things have changed in good ways too.


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