I was dressed for the beach.

It’s funny how all of the great holidays are in the fall.

You have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah.

All of these holidays climax at the end of the year with a huge celebration of a New Year and the hopes of a new and improved year. I love the holidays as much as anyone, but I love the fall season for other reasons. I choose to go on vacation during the fall. I head to the beach so I can walk along the shore and commune with Nature. There is something compelling, daunting from its vastness, and yet calming when looking out at the expanse of water. The water is way too cold to go swimming, but the hotels all have heated pools, so that isn’t the draw. I love waking up in the morning, throwing on my bulky sweater and jeans, and heading to the beach. I roll up my pants so I don’t get them wet, and just walk. I have a travel mug filled with hot coffee. It is bliss to be able to get out of the air conditioning of the hotel and out into the natural AC and air purification of the ocean. Even in the summer, the air is always cooler when at the beach. The natural air conditioning is probably the draw that everyone who vacations to the beach is searching for. From May to September, I stay in buildings so I have air conditioning, but then comes the fall. I can get outside and talk to people, eat my lunch on a bench at the park and watch nature. The air conditioning of the buildings is no longer a draw.


temperature control