The fireplace needed to be cleaned

If the fireplace is dirty, smoke and fumes can build up inside of your new home and make people sick; The soot and smoke can also harm surfaces in your new home and cause irreparable disfigure… Your fireplace should be cleaned every season if you plan to use it frequently.

My wifey and I l acquired about typical fireplace care after a huge mishap occurred in our new home, and we never owned a home with a fireplace and the people I was with and I didn’t realize that the chimney needed to be cleaned.

In our hour cold season, the people I was with and I started a fire early in the afternoon. I went to take a shower once the fire was burning. I wanted the home to be hot and cozy when I got out, halfway through my shower I began to realize that smoke was filling the washroom. I thought the home was on fire, so I contacted the fire department. I put on a robe and ran out of the house. The Fire Department chief told me that all of the smoke was due to a clogged chimney. The smoke could not exit the home and it was backing up into all of the rooms. It was an easy concern to fix, but there was smoke all over the walls. We had to wash the walls and repaint everything in the home office and the kitchen. It took an entire week to wash up all of the mess from that mistake. We certainly never forgot to wash the fireplace again, however once the people I was with and I realized the importance of that chore, it was on the tip of our list every winter.

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