Can you guess the way they were staring at us?

I guess that sometimes you see something that catches your attention.

It can be hard to look away, no matter how hard you try.

I had constantly thought that the Northern Summer would be just love ours. We lived where it was Winter time when the Northeast US was in the summer. I expected it to be warm, but I was shocked when every one of us got there. Our normal morningtime temperature was over 100 degrees while in the summer. These people were walking around, acting love it was hot, plus it was only in the low eighties. I almost shivered. It wasn’t much strange than a mild Winter time for us, plus every one of us didn’t have heating systems to keep us warm. When every one of us got there, the difference was love night plus morning. One morning it was mildly cool according to their weather report. Not only were the people looking at us oddly when every one of us talked to them, but they were looking at our sweaters. I guess no 1 wore sweaters up north. At least I wasn’t asking for them to turn on the heat, but I was wishing they would turn off some of the That was the reason our mates plus I were wearing sweaters. Every location every one of us went, the was set so low, that every one of us were shivering. After being out plus about for a while, every one of us would head back to our motel. We were able to set our own temperature, thanks to the convenient thermostat in every room. We had the off most of the time, just so every one of us could get warm. Next time, we’ll have to wait plus head up here when they have the heating turned on instead of the

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