Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I had a horrible chop up with our guy.
- As a result, I was left to spend Christmas alone.
I wanted to find the perfect endpoint for our Christmas vacation. Living in the south, doesn’t deliver you much opportunity to go skiing. To be honest, you don’t have any opportunity to snow ski, unless you head north. I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity to head north and learn how to ski. My parents had been born and raised in the north and they were always talking about how they met at a ski resort in the Catskills! I landed to rapidly increasing temperatures that were only in the twenties, and the sky was sunny. I took our taxi to the hotel where I had booked our stay, and our parents headed to see their family. The first thing I did was to ask the taxi driver if he would please turn up the heat. He eyed me oddly and told me the temperature control was already set to seventy. I told him I was freezing and he laughed. He told me I was in the wrong venue if I thought this was cold. When I got to the ski lodge, I saw the huge fireplace in the middle of the lobby, and I gravitated there. I couldn’t know I was seriously considering spending our entire vacation sitting in front of a fireplace. It was so deliciously warm. When I was told our room was ready, I reluctantly left the fireplace. The bellhop told me not to worry. They had excellent heating in the rooms and a personal fireplace. Who needs skiing when you have a fireplace?
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