The Wintertide and my skin

If it was not for central heating I am not sure what on earth I would do.

I have a problem with my skin in the Wintertide when it gets absolutely cold; My skin happens to dry out and crack. And with central heating, this helps this not happen as much… When I am outside going to work or having to run errands, I am without central heating so I have no option but to deal with the dry cold weather; But when i get home, that central heating idea of mine absolutely cleans things up! I also have a humidifier which helps a bit as well. Between the central heating idea and the humidifier I can reduce the way my skin reacts to dry and cold weather in the Wintertide weeks of the year. I also occasionally use hand creams for my hands in conjunction with the central heating idea and the humidifier. All of these 3 methods together helps make everything ok in the end. I have had this issue with my skin in the Wintertide since I was a little kid. Back then, all of us had oil furnace heating which did not help as much as central heating does this week. The Heating and Air Conditioning technology since back when has advanced so much and it is a true godsend! Like I said, I am not sure what I would do without my central heating idea and my humidifier. It is pretty weird that when it is sizzling out in the Summer and dry, my hands and skin do not crack up appreciate that. I believe it is just the mystery of the human body!

furnace filter