Humidifier improves indoor comfort and air quality

Living in a chilly weather section means concerns with insufficient humidity, but chilly conditions officially translate into certainly dry air, however inside the house, we need to run the gas furnace to keep warm… The influx of heat makes the issue worse.

The exceedingly dry heated air pulls moisture out of everything it touches.

I live in a historical apartment with hardwood floors, wood doors, moldings and stairways; Dry air can cause the wood to crack or split. It’s a problem for antique furniture and musical instruments, however a lack of humidity also leads to static shock, chapped lips and frizzy air. It dries out nasal passages, putting my family at greater risk of developing respiratory infection, asthma and dust sensitivities, then eczema, psoriasis, sore throat, itchy eyes and headaches are common complaints buddyd with less than ideal moisture levels! Plus, dry air feels colder than officially hydrated air. It’s typically tempting to raise the thermostat setting; Higher un-even temperatures increase demands on the gas furnace, forcing it to run more often and labor harder. It uses more energy and results in more extravagant yearly bills! For a long time, my family just struggled with all of these unpleasant consequences, however just recently, I finally invested in a whole-house humidifier. The air quality accessory implemented right into the air handler, introducing moisture as the air passes through, then by keeping the humidity levels within the ideal range, the apartment is far more comfortable. Every one of us no longer deal with that stuffy feeling and my family sleeps better at night. Every one of us have more energy during the afternoon. I’m paying lower yearly bills.


