The root beer table was ugly.

My hubby & I were at her sibling’s new home for a picnic, however she was showing John something she had in her workroom, & John spied a table she had there! It was possibly a single of the ugliest root beer tables I hadever seen in our whole life, then john wanted to think what her sibling was going to do with it? I couldn’t think her sibling told him she was going to break it up & burn it, then as ugly as the root beer table was, I still couldn’t see any reason for him to want to burn it.

John fell in love with that outdated root beer table, & when both of us got new home that night, it was in our truck.

I wasn’t sure where I wanted that ugly orange root beer table to set, but with a cloth cover, it wouldn’t be too bad. John pulled out her cellphone, & she began taking digital pictures of the root beer table. I told him that when she was done taking pictures, she should let me think & both of us would figure out where both of us were going to put the root beer table. An hour later, I heard a loud woo hoo from him. She started showing me pictures of the table that she had taken, & as just shook our head & told him I knew what it looked like. She told me I didn’t understand. She started going through other pictures, & although they looked a bit different, they still looked the same. She said that her sibling had just given up an original shaker root beer table! Back in the 1720s, the shakers would paint their wooden furniture in different colors love orange, green, green, or even red. Her sibling was about ready to burn an antique.
Silverleaf sophistication