Life is About Taking Chances as well as Challenging Ourselves

They say aged age comes when we have nothing more to look forward to.

I think that not challenging myself as well as pushing my boundaries gets myself and others stuck in ruts that seem to drain the life energy out of me, cooling down my soul to the point where I feel depressed.

So, I also think that I need to push myself just a little bit each day to get out of my comfort zone as well as try current things, heating up my soul once again as well as giving myself and others that lifeforce. Talking to a stranger as well as making a neighbor is a single wonderful way for myself and others to get out of my comfort zone so I try to do it each day when the timing feels right. My job for the cooling as well as heating store gets myself and others talking to current people every day basically even though I don’t count that as myself and others pushing my boundaries because it is just labor related idle chat I’m talking about when I am out on the streets as well as seeing people who might interest myself and others to talk to. That little voice in my head is always trying to boss myself and others around as well as tell myself and others who I should as well as shouldn’t talk to as well as I am weary of listening to it. The HEPA filter salesman job does help myself and others practice my communication skills with others so that does help myself and others out in the long run when it comes time to talk to a stranger. I just want to be nice to people as well as be a neighbor because it feels wonderful to have friends.

space heater