While I technically installed the HVAC on my own, I needed help getting it running

It’s funny that I tried installing my own HVAC system and ran into a huge hiccup at the end.

The thing that is funny about it is the fact that it wasn’t anything major.

I had the condenser unit set up correctly with all the electric wiring connected as directed. I had all the linesets connected to their indoor HVAC units respectively and I had the right fuse for the HVAC system to run off of. I even had the service shut off on the on position, so I didn’t see why I wasn’t getting any power to the HVAC system itself. I asked my buddies if they knew what was wrong, but they honestly had no idea. I eventually had an HVAC technician come out to help me solve the issue. He said that I did a pretty good installation considering I was not an HVAC expert. I thanked him for that and he carefully checked everything. He finally said there was only one last thing it could possibly be because he saw everything was hooked up correctly. He then went to open the emergency cut off after we shut off the power and he observed what was going on inside the box. Evidently, this box uses fuses that I never installed. The installation video that I watched had a box that did not use fuses, so that’s where I messed up. The HVAC professional fortunately had some fuses on him and installed those for me. Soon after, we were able to turn on the HVAC and check to make sure it was working appropriately. I had to pay the technician more money than I expected for such a simple fix, but I’m glad he helped me solve the problem.

Heating device