The sun has been relentlessly hot

The summer is my least favorite season, every summer it is always so relentlessly hot.

Unfortunately, for my job I have to drive a lot and there is nothing worse than getting into your car and getting accidentally burned by a hot metal seatbelt.

This is just one of many problems that I have during the summer, sometimes the heat will be so intense that it will completely destroy my air conditioning system and that’s even when I have it serviced and tuned up beforehand in the spring by the local heating and cooling guy. Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do the summer heat is just out to get you. I’ll be out on the road a lot and I’ll just be sweating to death even with my car air conditioning system on. The way the sun just manages to bear down on every living thing makes you feel like you’re in an oven and I just can’t stand it. Live in the south so it is exceptionally a hot here, really if I didn’t know any better I’d think I lived in one of the desert States. I want to move into a cooler area, I don’t want to go north because I think going from one extreme to the other isn’t the solution. If I did that I would just be going from really hot to really cold, I need to go somewhere in between where it’s not going to be as hot in the summer but not as cold in the winter. Then I will be happy.
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