The place needed to be clean

I’m not sure what exactly happened to my house but over the past few weeks it has became a war zone.

There is stuff everywhere and I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to cleaning my own house! I guess it’s because I got so busy dealing with other things that I just haven’t had time to clean it and now I’m just starting to notice as everything is piling up.

I have noticed a difference in the quality of the indoor air. I was sneezing more in my allergies are starting to act up again I think it’s because of all the dust that has collected and all the weeks that I went without dusting. I do have a HEPA filter but it can only go so far when you have this amount of dust. Decided the best way to take care of this issue would be to first clean the house thoroughly, and then second get some standing air purifiers and place them in every single room in the house to help clean out the indoor air quality. Because while I can physically clean the house, that’s not going to help the indoor air quality and the indoor air quality is just as important as the rest of the house when it comes to being clean. I spent the next week cleaning the house top to bottom every day. I would spend 6 hours doing nothing but cleaning, then finally when my cleaning Marathon was over I went and put a standing air purifier in front. Now my home is closer to where it was before, and is completely spotless


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