The furnace at the school was broken

The furnace at the school was broken, and it seemed that nobody had any idea what to do.

We go to a small school, and this school is a privately operated school.

This means that when something stops working at the school, the school is responsible for paying for the repair. Since the school is new, they have never actually had to do anything like this before, and that became evident when the furnace stopped working in the school. The school is not very large, and they were able to install one large furnace for the entire school. Normally, the furnace works very well at the school, but the furnace had a problem this week. During the middle of the class, the furnace stopped blowing out heat. None of us are really sure when it happened, because the power was still on. The furnace does make background noise, and when it shut off, the vents because suddenly quiet. However, we were always busy, so we didn’t actually notice the background noise. Instead, we just noticed that things seemed extra quiet. However, after an hour, it was very obvious that the furnace was broken. The temperature in the classrooms became very cold, and the teachers asked the office to adjust the thermostat. That is when the office staff informed the teachers that the furnace was broken. At first, the school was sure that the furnace would be fixed quickly, but it was not. In another hour, the students were sent home until the furnace was fixed. Thankfully, the HVAC technician was able to fix the furnace quickly.

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