My uncle still uses an ancient cooling system that uses outlawed refrigerant

My uncle is very old school and he doesn’t take any crap from anybody.

He was an HVAC professional back in his day and he always worked on his own heating and cooling equipment.

He always said they don’t make HVAC systems like they used to. He said the older HVAC systems, he could make last forever and he wasn’t lying about that. The HVAC system in his house I believe is around 30 years old and is still running well. I don’t know how he does it sometimes, but he does. The unfortunate thing about his cooling system is that it uses the old refrigerant that was outlawed by the government. He said they claimed the refrigerant was bad for the environment, even though he said that wasn’t even true. Anyway, when he learned the refrigerant for his trusty cooling system was being outlawed, he stocked up on a lot of it so that it would last until the cooling system couldn’t be repaired any longer. I do wonder sometimes if that cooling system will ever die. It seems to me that so long as my uncle can get the right parts to repair it from time to time and provide enough refrigerant as needed, that cooling system will never die. He won’t even use any type of modern HVAC technology like smart thermostats or even programmable ones. He always uses a dial thermostat and says there’s nothing wrong with going old school. Sometimes I wonder if the police are going to break down his door because he has all this outlawed refrigerant for his HVAC system, but I hope that doesn’t happen to him.

Commercial air conditioning system