I’ve always enjoyed the rain

It’s honestly hard to explain but I’ve always enjoyed it when it rains outside.

I don’t even mind walking in the rain. I mean usually I will use an umbrella if I have somewhere important to be, but other times I will just walk without an umbrella and really enjoy the water coming down. If you have never tried that, it’s kind of fun to be honest. I realize that it’s uncomfortable and you become cold when you get drenched, but if you’re going home, you can crank up the heating system and take a warm shower. By the time you get out of the shower, you can adjust your temperature control settings to make sure your heating system isn’t providing too much heating and you can just relax in your home. I like to kick back and watch some tv shows or sometimes I will invite my buddies over. We might play some card games like spades or hearts, and sometimes we enjoy playing some online video games. All of us like to play some of the latest battle royale games like Call of Duty or Fortnite. We love having the AC system up a little bit when we get into the games because sometimes we sweat from the intensity of the game we are playing. When that relaxing AC is hitting just right, you never feel uncomfortable even if you have a series of losses. Anyway, the best days are always the rainy days and sometimes I just like to relax while looking out the window. Even better when there is visible lightning!



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