Cleaning out the garage was tough, however it was worth it

Over the years, the two of us kind of just stacked all our junk in the garage.

The place became such a mess over the years, I was too embarrassed to even open the garage.

If the sight wasn’t poor enough, the smell certainly was. I assume some garbage bags were left in there as well as were never thrown out, so there has been a rotting stink in there. Well, I was surprised a single day when my son asked if the two of us could clean out the garage so he could practice music with his buddies. I thought that was a pretty nice idea. I felt prefer all that crap had to go anyway as well as it would be nice to certainly be able to use the garage again. So I had a bunch of buddies come over to help me clean as well as I had my son as well as his buddies help as well. It was nasty, although I found it helped when the two of us used a couple of air cleaners in the garage while the two of us were cleaning everything out. The air quality slowly improved when the two of us were able to get all the rotting garbage thrown out as well as then I just had to get rid of most of the stuff. The two of us ended up getting a trash trailer to fill up with all our junk as well as then it was all hauled away. The two of us cleared out most of the garage except for some of the items that seemed to be of some value prefer the old window AC units. I thought those cooling units had to be worth something. The two of us ended up using a single of the window AC units in the garage for when my son practiced music with his buddies. The two of us certainly turned that garage around as well as I’m certainly considering installing a ductless mini cut in there for better energy efficiency in cooling the garage.
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