Nobody likes being in a muggy environment

The management told everybody that the air filters were changed regularly every month, but I don’t think they bothered to clean the ductwork system in over a decade.

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be in a muggy environment. This has been the case at our workplace for the past few weeks. The complaints have been made to management about the lacking cooling system which wasn’t doing its job. Everybody was told that an HVAC expert would be out to repair the HVAC system, but nothing has happened so far. Nobody has seen an HVAC van pull up with a bunch of HVAC experts to save the day. It’s not surprising that a lot of people have been calling off work because of the overheated days and the lack of air conditioning. I have looked carefully at some of the HVAC vents in the building and I suspect that one of the main issues is that the ductwork system is blocked up really badly. The management told everybody that the air filters were changed regularly every month, but I don’t think they bothered to clean the ductwork system in over a decade. With all that nasty dirt and debris building up throughout the ductwork system, I’m sure there are some serious blockages making it so the cooling air can not cool down the office. It really is frustrating and I’m really hoping that management gets it together and gets the HVAC experts out here. We already had a few people quit the job and there will be a lot more to follow if the cooling system is not working properly soon enough. I just spoke with the boss again today, and he said the HVAC expert should be out in a few days or so, but he’s starting to sound like a broken record.


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