I feel bad for the drivers out there who have to deal with the gas prices

Things are really getting crazy with these gas prices getting out of control.

I mean honestly, I have had issues with delivery drivers and even uber drivers. I had a delivery driver ask if he could have more money for a tip because of the high cost of gas. I thought that was bizarre, but I gave him a few extra bucks. I’m sure that doesn’t work with everybody though, but I genuinely felt bad for the guy. Then one night when I was coming home from a dance club, I was too wasted to drive so I called an uber. The uber driver gave me an issue when I asked if he could crank up the AC system. He said that it costs fuel to use the AC system and I better pay more money if I wanted that extra air conditioning. I argued with him for a little bit but he told me that it was hard enough to actually make a living as a driver with the outrageous gas prices that keep going up like crazy, when he drives for a living. He started to make sense and I realized that he was right, all his money was going into gas and that was really fair, especially with passengers like me who wanted greater comfort with the use of the cooling system. I gave him some extra money and when I was back home, I called up some of my buddies to come over. They all thought it was crazy everybody was asking for more money, but what else could they do if they wanted to keep earning enough money to get by?



Air conditioner tune-up