I didn’t know much about taking care of dogs until recently

I decided to get a puppy without really knowing a lot about dogs.

I had somebody recommend a certain type of puppy chow and the other necessary things.

I needed a doggy bed, puppy pads, and dishes for food and water. Also, I learned that dogs like to chew on stuff, so if you don’t supply them with chew toys, they will chew on other things in your home that they should not be chewing on, like the legs of your kitchen table! Well, since we have hardwood floors in our home, I decided I didn’t want the dog peeing and pooping on those floors, so I kept the puppy gated in the kitchen until he was completely potty trained. It was a long and frustrating process for sure. I also felt bad because I thought maybe the pup was too cold in the kitchen area. I mean he had his dog bed, so I thought maybe that would be enough, but I ended up giving him a blanket. For many nights he would whine because he wanted to cuddle up, but still he had too many accidents for me to let him roam free in the house. When I had some friends over, they told me I was doing the process wrong. They said the dog had to be properly punished for pooping or peeing on the floor. I had to apparently shove the dog’s nose in the poop or pee so he would learn not to do that again. I didn’t like doing that, but it actually was effective. I also had a ductless mini split HVAC installed for zones in the kitchen, living room and my bedroom. I wanted the dog to be extra cozy in the kitchen with a new HVAC. My buddies thought I was crazy for doing that for my dog, but I did it for me too!
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