Worried about indoor air quality

I’m worried about the indoor air quality of my house.

Due to weather extremes, it’s important to keep the windows closed for about nine to ten months out of the year.

We get severe cold during the winter and excessive heat and humidity in the summer. We depend heavily on the furnace and air conditioner. The high cost of energy motivates me to tighten up the home as much as possible to minimize waste. I take every opportunity to stop the outside air from coming in and the heated and cooled air from leaving out. While I’ve managed to reduce energy losses, I’ve also eliminated ventilation. Contaminants get trapped inside the house. These allergens get circulated by the furnace or air conditioner and spread to every room in the house. Andy dust, mold growth, bacteria or harmful toxins hidden inside the ductwork can get introduced into the breathing air. Everyday activities such as cleaning agents, cooking, pesticides and showering can make the problem worse. Humidity is an issue in the summer and overly dry air is a concern in the winter. We also have a dog that sheds quite a bit. I am very conscientious about dusting, vacuuming and disinfecting surfaces and yet there’s still allergens floating in the air. There’s often a musty odor coming from the heating and cooling vents. During the summer, there is sometimes condensation running down the windows. In the winter, there are concerns with static shock and static cling. Contaminated air quality is a health threat. It can be blamed for my family’s complaints with headaches, difficulty sleeping, sore throat, congestion, coughing and sneezing. Concerns with air quality can also damage the structure of the home and diminish the performance of the furnace and air conditioner. It negatively impacts efficiency, reliability and system longevity. I’ve been researching different types of indoor air quality accessories. There are so many options, I am not sure which one would be best.

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