Deep research

I am majoring in writing at college right now.

I am trying to get my degree in journalism.

Part of the schooling is doing mock article projects. And the project I was recently assigned as a test was quite an odd one. They want me to write about the differences in central heating and air conditioning systems. In other words, I need to do deep research into the different brands of heating and air conditioning systems and find out what makes them different from each other, and then write a whole 6 page article on it! This is going to be some long drawn out tough work, but I will be getting on it and doing the research. This will include websites on the internet as well as calling several different heating and air conditioning dealerships acting like I am potential buyer of a brand new and up to date central heat and a/c unit. This is how you get information for something you need to write about without letting them know what you are doing. I could just flat out call up and ask for information and tell the truth, but then most likely the heating and air conditioning dealerships would not want to speak with me without me paying for their time and effort. If they think they are getting a potential sale, then it can work and they will give me the info on different heating and air conditioning system brands that I ask for. Like I mentioned, this is going to be one long and hard project!
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