Why should expectant mothers install a quality HVAC system?

External factors contribute significantly to the wellness of a pregnant mother and that of an unborn baby.

The choice and maintenance of your HVAC system will significantly impact your health during pregnancy.

Poor air quality affects women during pregnancy, while some effects appear in babies and older children. According to studies, poor indoor air quality results in low birth weight in babies and aggravates asthma in the mother. It also leads to preterm birth, autism spectrum disorder, miscarriage, and fertility difficulties. A quality HVAC system will remove house dust, leftover cigarette smoke, and chemicals that pollute your home’s indoor air. A low-quality HVAC system might not protect an expectant mother from inhaling toxins from the indoor air. When inhaled, polluted air passes through a pregnant woman’s system to the baby leading to minor respiratory problems, eye irritations, among other issues. An expectant mother should also install a quality HVAC system to help prevent the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and exposure to natural gas from your HVAC system. Install carbon monoxide(CO) alarms in the house to help protect you and the baby. Perform a regular maintenance routine to your HVAC system. Better yet, get an HVAC technician to take care of all the HVAC maintenance routines and fix any natural gas leaks. Additionally, installing a quality HVAC system will filter out pollutants. However, you have to change your HVAC filters regularly to guarantee the supply of clean air in your indoor space for the mother and the unborn baby. Also, good ventilation from your quality HVAC unit lowers indoor air pollution and ensures your home’s indoor air is constantly clean. Lastly, installing a quality HVAC system to control humidity levels at home prevents mildew and mold growth. A quality HVAC system has UVC technology that helps fight against mold, viruses, and bacteria. These HVAC features ensure an expectant mother achieves a safe indoor environment for herself and the unborn baby.


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