If you want quality work, you pay for it.

My dad was always giving us what he called the pearls of wisdom.

He wanted us to know these little tidbits to keep us safe in the future.

One of things that he told me came back with a rush a couple weeks ago. He always told us that HVAC machinery was just machinery. It wasn’t if the furnace or air conditioner was going to break down, but when it was going to break down. The problem is that when the HVAC system breaks down, repairing it can be a very costly thing to do. When my furnace broke, I was facing a really hefty fee. I remembered my dad saying that it was the quality of work and not the cost that you should be concerned with. I got a couple different estimates to have the furnace repaired. One of them was cheaper so I did as much review on the company and their work, as I could possibly find. I looked at their estimate of work as opposed to the estimate of work from the more reputable company. There were a lot of extra costs on that estimate. I called my dad and he told me it could be that the cheaper company has hidden costs. I started looking at their reviews, only to find that they often gave the cheaper estimate for HVAC repair or replacement. When the work was done, the customers were finding that the work was more expensive, and there were many problems after the work was done. I called the HVAC company that was more expensive knowing that what my dad said was right. You get what you pay for.

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