Author: admin

The place needed to be clean

I’m not sure what exactly happened to my house but over the past few weeks it has became a war zone. There is stuff everywhere and I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to cleaning my own house! I guess it’s because I got so busy dealing with other things that I […]

The sun has been relentlessly hot

The summer is my least favorite season, every summer it is always so relentlessly hot. Unfortunately, for my job I have to drive a lot and there is nothing worse than getting into your car and getting accidentally burned by a hot metal seatbelt. This is just one of many problems that I have during […]

There was a problem with the ductwork

This is something else I had noticed too, even when I had the heater all the way up on the thermostat it’s like my house will still be cold. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with my duct work but I know that something is off. I have noticed that all the sudden […]

I found a nice used air conditioning

If there is one thing I love and it’s when I can find a used air conditioning where heating system for far less than the original price. I frequently am looking at online classifieds to find good deals, not just on heating and cooling systems but on anything in general. You would be amazed at […]

The fan helped to cool me down

I know that there are a lot of people that do not think fans are very good at calling them down in comparison to air conditioning system but I am here to tell you that I think a fan can be just as good if I’m better than your conditioning system and I will explain […]

Keeping your home cool in the summer

Have you ever wondered how you’re going to keep your home cool in the summer? It’s actually fairly easy for easier than you probably think it is. It is simple to keep your home cool in the summer if you just know what to do. You’re thinking that as soon as you feel a little […]