My HVAC business has been successful

After graduating high school, I moved to another state to attend school but never returned to live in my hometown, and after graduation, I started honestly working for one of the biggest, most successful companies in the state, and this kept me busy and though I used to go back to home to visit my parents, I never actually stayed in my hometown for a long time.

Last summer though, I quit my job and went back to my hometown.

After a while of living there, I saw that the residents would get their air conditioning repair service from another town. This actually inconvenienced the residents. For a solution, I decided to open a local business since I had amassed a wealth of skills as an air conditioning serviceman. I employed and trained young people to become an a/c workman and upsell modern air conditioning units. At first, we only had a few customers as the residents could not trust us since we were a new business. After witnessing our knowledge in air conditioning maintenance, they got sold on us. We did air conditioning upgrades for the residents that were replacing their HVAC unit. We also were the town’s air conditioning business, vending units such as the ductless multi-split units and dial thermostat. I would hear from our customers and friends that our business had actually helped the residents of the town. It saved on time and energy used to hire specialists from a faraway town. We equipped the residents with information on more about air conditioning and the importance of air conditioning service. I hired and trained experts who would be especially in charge of the commercial air conditioning method as there were more than 2 business buildings popping out all around town.


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